Monday, October 17, 2016

An Ecological Analysis of the Garden and your Plants

Some abiotic factors are water, sunlight, weather, and temperature. Some of the biotic factor are animals that eat the seeds or other plants that compete with it.

To know if my plant is engaged in competition if there are other plants very close to it or if it is not growing as fast as it should. The plants are competing for anything they need, such as sunlight or water. The competition is other any plants in a close vicinity that need the same thing.

The winners would be the plants that overcome the other plants and get more of the things it needs to survive then the plant it was competing with. The losers would be the plant that gets less water or sunlight then the other plant it was competing with. It is not always so clear because sometimes you can’t tell until later or if the difference is not by a huge margin.

Some interactions in which my groups plants are the other animals that would eat it and the rain that could flood the plant.

There is some evidence because it has grown a little and it looks like there may be two plants of the same kind.  Also all the other plants seem to be growing very quickly which is good.

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